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  • Abbie Bauckham

Covid- 19: How to keep busy in isolation?

Updated: Mar 30, 2020

I cannot say I am Covid-19's biggest fan, although I recognise and admire its persistence and power. It has changed the way numerous countries have been living recently and how we act everyday. It has taken away our freedom of movement. Who would have thought, 2020 and our freedom of movement has been restricted.

Freedom of movement in today's society is just another glorified way of saying to travel. Something which the western world thrives off, both socially and economically. Something which no one could predict grinding to a halt. Freedom of movement and travel is something which is also harming our future. It may not be tomorrow or in the next six months like Covid-19 is threatening, but the way the westernised world is living is having a detrimental effect on our environment and our climate. One thing I have been doing in isolation is finishing the small pile of books which have sat on my bedside table for far too long. They even travelled to and from Canada with me (sorry for the use of long-haul flights, I promise I don't jet set consistently.) Today, I finished Greta Thunberg's book "No one is too small to make a difference." Her collection of speeches about climate change really resonated. I have to admit I cried, although I am unsure whether that was a result of my pent up anger regarding climate change or the frustration of being inside. On reading, I was hit by the disappointment that climate change is once again out of the news. As although we are facing an immediate threat which has rightly caused 'panic', something which Greta Thunberg has always hope would occur in the fight against climate change. The fate of the environment is something which cannot wait, it has already waited too long. I was pleased to hear that pollution levels have reduced leaving the canals in Venice clear again and emissions in New York almost halved. I have to admit it did cross my mind whether the virus was a ploy to force the world into choosing a more environmentally friendly way of living, which I think is one of the most worrying things. It has taken the world to be physically forced to stop travelling for pollution levels to fall. Something which should be in response to political action. But what will happen when Covid-19 has been silenced, will the world socially return to normal or will it have lasting effects on the way we live our lives? Will the environment continue to be forgotten?

So, one of my ideas is to read. Read things that interest you. That make you want to live and appreciate life in a different way. Read blogs which inspire you and give you hope when isolation is getting too much. Read news on things other than Covid-19, if you can find any. Law students, read cases which aren't making the news. Read about the first ever case to be completely streamed virtually in the Supreme Court. Read up on the affect of Covid-19 on your favourite Law firms. I am sure that will be a great vacation and training contract question in the upcoming application cycle. Read about all the things which can give you a little bit more happiness and, or feeling of productivity.

I ordered a diary. Random I know considering there is no longer any plan which is set in stone. Write in your family and friends birthdays. Write in deadlines, if that applies. For me, a diary was a great place to write down anything which I had control over. The isolation period has really hit a nerve regarding my usual ability to socialise, plan and travel. Remember, some things do not change. Take pleasure in the things which you can control and which bring you joy, even if it is the airing of your favourite television series.

My upcoming week is full of deadlines. Many I have tried to avoid until now. Isolation had left me feeling unmotivated. Some days without a purpose. Once I unpacked, tidied and sorted, what is next? My daily run and/or workout completed. FaceTime and social media unfulfilling. Where can I put my energy? I turned to this blog post.

After a couple of weeks full of deadlines, I am then free from all my study abroad work. So, what is my plan? Training contract, training contract, training contact. Excuse the repetition but I think all of you law students reading this will understand. I never felt that there was enough time to research a firm in enough detail to shine above and beyond the other thousands of applicants. I am getting organised. Let's not save it all for third year, as my friends tell me that is stressful enough. Let's get a head start. (If anyone has some great ideas for the best way for me to do this, I am always open to suggestions but I will start with a A4 folder, highlighters and my diary. Knew it would be useful.)

Covid-19 is having a lasting effect and impact on everyone. Some more than others. People have lost loved ones, lost jobs and lost themselves. However, it is all relative and we are all important. The impact of Covid-19 on you may not be the worse, but it is still valid. For law students unable to go on their spring and potentially summer vacation schemes after all of your hard and consistent work. Final years unable to complete their year at university, exams or some even not getting a graduation. Students on their year abroad who have had to come home early. The frustration resonates. The effects on the economy and realisation that a grad job has just got that one bit harder. In all of this pain and suffering, we have to keep positive. We have to keep busy. Do not let boredom win.

Stay Home. Stay Strong. Stay Happy.

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